Intellectual Property & Patent Transactions

Red Chalk Group’s Intellectual Property & Transaction practice serves senior executives seeking to address “high-impact” intellectual property issues across a range of industries.


We provide a broad range of IP related services including:

Patent/Portfolio Sale:  Intellectual property has become an increasingly “tradeable” asset.  Mechanisms for “monetizing” IP now include traditional sale and licensing.  Moreover, IP transactions are being funded by a growing set of capital providers including patent investment funds, private equity funds, and venture capital firms.  For patent owners looking to sell, Red Chalk Group can assist you with the identification of potential buyers, valuation of assets, and negotiation services.

Patent/Portfolio Acquisition:  As patent licensing and litigation efforts have become increasingly aggressive, the need for broad, systemic patent acquisition programs is critical.  Red Chalk Group can assist you in both establishing your program as well as identifying/assessing patents of interest.  Our capabilities enable us to quickly and efficiently triage large patent sets and find those “needles in a haystack”.  We also approach potential sellers and negotiate transactions to maintain anonymity and minimize purchase costs.

Portfolio Analysis: Red Chalk Group assists clients in evaluating their portfolios.  This can include development of categorization hierarchy, categorizing patents, assessing and scoring patents, and mapping patents to products.  These efforts identify strengths, weaknesses and risks associated with the portfolio as well as monetization opportunities, cost saving opportunities, and areas of potential risk.  We have worked with portfolios with as many as 10,000 + assets.

Industry/Company Analysis: Red Chalk Group has the unique capabilities to identify and evaluate intellectual property portfolios for an entire industry – identifying the “winners” among industry participants – as well as any “concealed” shifts in technology development efforts.  For any given company, Red Chalk Group can verify portfolios, map patents to products and revenue streams, and identify the issues associated with current or future litigation.

Technology Evaluation:  Red Chalk Group assists clients in evaluating patented technologies: we identify all related patents and applications, aggregate patents by owner, assess patent technical strength – ultimately identifying the short list of technology leaders.  Because our efforts focus on core intellectual property assets, we cut through the noise and propaganda typically involved in secondary research and identify the technology “winners.

IP M&A Support:  In today’s competitive environment, internal R&D efforts simply can’t keep pace with the need for innovation.  Thus, many companies are accelerating their acquisition efforts as a means of acquiring innovative technology.  Red Chalk Group can augment these efforts by providing intellectual property related research, due diligence, and acquisition idea generation.  We also assist legal teams acquire specific portfolios for both offensive and defensive purposes as well as assist in post-merger integration of portfolios.

Industry/Competitive Analysis:  Competitor’s aren’t standing still.  In fact, the rate of patenting, patent related litigation, and technology commercialization & licensing is increasing – driving the need to fully understand your industry and related competitive dynamics.  Red Chalk Group has the unique capabilities to identify and evaluate the intellectual property portfolios within an industry or specific competitor – providing you with the decision-grade information and results required to not only keep pace but surpass your competitors.

Portfolio/Patent/Application Valuation:  As the mechanisms for monetizing intellectual property grow, so does the need for valuation.  However, the value of a patent or portfolio depends upon one’s perspective.  The same patent is likely to have different value for different owners.  Red Chalk Group augments standard methodologies and techniques with market driven factors to ensure you have fully considered the potential value of your property – yielding the greatest possible results for your monetization efforts.

Licensing & Commercialization Support:  Organizations are no longer content to build a portfolio for “defensive” purposes – the investment demands a return.  Red Chalk Group assist our clients by identifying licensing and commercialization opportunities (as well as liabilities), ensuring that efforts are aligned with overall business strategy.  By segmenting, assessing, and prioritizing a portfolio, we can help you build the strategy to deliver both long-term and short-term results.

IP Investment Research: Our investment research engagements focus on technology evaluation, investment idea generation, portfolio/patent/application valuation, and IP related M&A due diligence.  We typically address these issues across an industry, within a company and/or its direct competitors, or for a specific technology.

IP Investment Opportunity Identification: Red Chalk Group assists hedge funds, private equity, and venture capital professionals identify those unique, “under the radar,” IP driven investment opportunities.  Many of the opportunities identified have subsequently been acquired explicitly for their patent and application portfolios.

Red Chalk Group’s Intellectual Property & Transaction practice has the expertise and capabilities to navigate this complex and rapidly changing landscape, enabling its clients to unlock the full potential of their IP program and related assets.

How can we help?

Get in touch with us if you have questions.